Hoopla green shabby blogs

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Carter Quotes

Carter has had some doozies lately.  I have to write them down before I forget!

{Watching the end of the movie Annie - characters are singing and dancing in the street}
Carter:  "Why aren't they embarrassed?"
Me:  "What do you mean?"
C:  (looking slightly disgusted) "They're all....dancing and singing in the street....."
Me:  "It's called a MUSICAL, Carter....." 
Like father, like son.

{At baseball practice}
Coach:  "Guys, we need someone to be a catcher.  But if you want to try catching, you need to wear a cup.  Do you guys know what a cup is?"
Carter:  "I DO!  It's something you put your drink in!"
Coach:  "Well....if you're not sure ask your dad or mom...."

{Hanging out in the kitchen}
Carter:  "Mom, what is a showerhead?"
Me (confused):  "It's the thing that the water comes out of in the shower...."
[Quiet minute....he's thinking....]
C:  "No, I mean, what is a showerhead....spelled c-h-o-w-d-e-r-h-e-a-d?"
Me:  "Chowderhead?  Wait a minute, is this from Calvin & Hobbes?"
C:  "Yes. [pause] And also....what is a moron?"
Me: (feeling like the mom from Calvin & Hobbes, head in hands) "Ughhhhhh Carter...... "

 I can always count on Carter to keep things interesting around here. :)

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